My blog site, dedicated to deep thought and opinionated thought processes, my opinions on life, as well as the idea that the destruction of a language destroys the very thought trying to be expressed.
NewspeakWordsmith's Articles In Politics
April 11, 2005 by NewspeakWordsmith
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
April 9, 2005 by NewspeakWordsmith
You know what I'm talking about. You can't go to a store or a mall or any other public place anymore without having your mug on camera. And now that cameras are becoming more and more mainstream, they're putting them up, not for security, but for marketing and sales counts and other business issues. And while these camera photographs for business do not seem so intrusive, they can be attained by anyone with the right information. I'm reminded of the telescreens from 1984. Constantly watchi...